A lot of information on this page, perhaps one of the densest pages I’ve ever written and probably a general no-no for comics in general, but also… I kind of don’t necessarily care? Let me indulge.
As far as some threads on this page:
- The Worldmenders are a group of eco-warriors who are fighting the Artifici Dominion.
- Both the Empire and Federation are in a tense and escalating rush to claim systems.
- A mysterious race has been raiding the frontier, this is the Collective, who Dash’s father has been working with.
- Titan is another term for Leviathan, and we’ve seen them referenced in the Orthos one-shot in the form of Y’tun Sargon.
- Speaking of Y’tun Sargon, Pryce discusses the potential influence that the cult may have on the Neutrality.
- Hardliner Harrison Scott suggests that the Federation could be manipulated by an alliance between the Empire and Neutrality.